Knowing oneself is a fundamental step in leading others. In this course, students will explore the theory of personal leadership. Leadership is often thought of as an external process where, through influence, you lead others toward a common goal. However, before you can successfully lead others, there is an internal process known as 'self-leadership' that must come first.
"Self-leadership is having a developed sense of who you are, what you can do, where you are going coupled with the ability to influence your communication, emotions and behaviors on the way to getting there." In other words, the leader has to be able to lead themselves effectively before they can effectively lead others.
Self-led people set personal goals, influence their own behavior and thoughts to achieve these goals, and make the right decisions in pursuit of their goals. Self-awareness and self-regulation are other critical component of self-leadership. Without an understanding of their personal strengths, weaknesses, motivations, abilities, etc., self-leadership cannot succeed.
The overarching goal of this course is to help students recognize their own potential in becoming the leader they wish to be and their responsibility in developing that potential.
- Enseignant: eDon Mr. Einstein Nyangaresi